Thermage FLX for Beginners: Everything You Need to Know

ilustration waves
Female shows skin tissue

Table of Content

  • How Does Thermage FLX Work?
  • What Does Thermage FLX Treat?
  • How Is Thermage FLX Different From Other Thermage Treatments?

Thermage FLX is the latest iteration of Thermage radiofrequency skin tightening treatment. The device uses radiofrequency waves to tighten loose skin and boost collagen production. It’s an effective treatment for loose skin, cellulite, and wrinkles without the risks of surgery. 

The treatment is non-invasive, and most people only need one session to get the results they want. 

How Does Thermage FLX Work?

Thermage FLX is a non-surgical radiofrequency therapy for loose skin and other early signs of aging. During treatment, your doctor applies the Thermage FLX wand over the treatment area. The wand emits radiofrequency waves that heat up the dermal layers below the skin’s surface.1 

The heating process causes the contraction of fibrous collagen, which causes an immediate smoothing effect. Treatment also triggers more collagen production over the next several months, which further tightens and firms the skin.2 

It’s completely non-invasive, unlike injectable treatments that are administered by puncturing the skin with a syringe. The treatment takes place in your doctor’s office and requires no downtime. Most people can return to normal activity right after their treatment.  

One treatment is usually enough to produce the desired results. Final results are typically visible 3 to 6 months after treatment and can last a year or more. Some people choose to have repeated treatments to maintain results.3 

What Does Thermage FLX Treat?

Thermage FLX is designed to treat early signs of aging, including:4

  • Sagging skin, such as early signs of jowls
  • Fine lines, wrinkles, and loose skin on the face and neck 
  • Sagging or hooding of the upper eyelid
  • Laxity of the lower eyelid
  • Mild loose skin on the legs or abdomen
  • Mild cellulite on the body 

Thermage FLX is not effective for people with severe loose skin or cellulite. You should not have Thermage FLX if you have a pacemaker, cardioverter, defibrillator, or any other electronic implantable device. It’s also not recommended for people who are pregnant.5 

How Is Thermage FLX Different From Other Thermage Treatments?

Thermage technology has been in use for over 20 years. The Thermage FLX has a larger wand tip than prior versions, so treatment time is quicker. Most treatments can now be done in an hour or less.6 

The new wand in the Thermage FLX incorporates puffs of cool air and vibrations to increase comfort during treatment. There is very little discomfort after treatment. Most people report some redness and soreness that resolves within a day. You can apply cool compresses to manage any discomfort.7 

The costs for the treatment vary, but the average Thermage FLX cost is about $2,500.8 


  1. Cleveland Clinic: “Radio Frequency (RF) Skin Tightening.”
  2. Thermage: “How It Works.”
  3. Real Self: “Thermage FLX: What You Need to Know.”
  4. Real Self: “Thermage FLX: What You Need to Know.”
  5. Real Self: “Thermage FLX: What You Need to Know.”
  6. Modern Aesthetics: “Thermage FLX: A New Advancement for Tissue Tightening.”
  7. Real Self: “Thermage FLX: What You Need to Know.”
  8. Real Self: “Thermage FLX: What You Need to Know.”